
Saturday 28th January, 2017 – Great Night at The KUBE !!

Published on the 28th of January.

What a brilliant fundraiser! 36 eager contestants took on the challenge of The KUBE on Saturday night in front of a packed enthusiastic audience, but there could only be one winner. Anthony Rainbow walked away with the €2,000 cheque. CONGRATULATIONS !!!

Held at the Keadeen Hotel on Saturday 28th January the club is hopeful of realising about €20,000 which will be used to support the club’s new development plan to further upgrade our facilities in Rosetown.

Thank you to ALL who helped to make this event such a success including the contestants, the many sponsors, club members and their families, supporters of Newbridge RFC, the staff of Keadeen Hotel, Fundraising Events Group and to the organising committee ably lead by Barry McCann.


August 21st, 2017

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